O3 Loss


   The objectives are:

            To quantify the chemically-induced ozone loss as a fonction of time inside the Arctic vortex each winter.

    Transport model method

            Comparison between measurements and 3-D CTMs in which ozone is considered as a passive tracer

This page contains preliminary results for winter 2020/2021. Contact Dr. Florence GOUTAIL for more details.

Measurements and Models

O3 loss in 2020/2021 - Preliminary

1. Minimum temperature at 475K (red), 550K (blue), 675K (green)
Temperature below PSC formation (194 K) since early December
-  Final warming on January 15.

-  March 1st, temperatures are decreasing for few days but above PSC Temp

2. Ozone above SAOZ station
   Example:  Sodankyla (Finland)
- An increasing difference between SAOZ O3 columns (pink) and
   passive REPROBUS O3 (black) is observed up to January 15 .
- Green: MIMOSA potential vorticity when station inside polar vortex.


3. Cumulative ozone loss above SAOZ using REPROBUS
- Top: ozone loss

  • - Loss rate:  0.5%/day between January 1 and January 20
  • - Cumulative Ozone loss on January 20: 10%
  • - Cumulative Ozone loss on March 10 : 11.7 % or ~  50 DU

- Bottom: Denitrification: difference between sunset and sunrise NO2 column


4. Cumulative ozone loss above SAOZ stations from Models

SLIMCAT   :    8 % 

Comparison to previous years

1 - ECMWF Temperatures

    1996, 1997, 2011, 2016, 2020 are the coldest winter in 20 years

2 - Temperatures and O3 loss since 1994:

Left: minimum ECMWF temperature at 475 K (red) and 550K (blue) north of 30°N and limits for NAT PSC formation.

Middle: Total ozone reduction in the vortex from the SAOZ network (shaded pink).

Right: No2 diurnal variation increase = Chlorine deactivation

3 - Summary of yearly O3 loss since 1992
       Comparison SAOZ and Models cumulative Ozone loss

4 - Summary of yearly O3 loss evolution
5 - Correlation O3loss vs Volume of sunlit PSC inside vortex
6 - Comparison with Antarctica
For more information or any questions contact: Dr. Florence Goutail: florence.goutail@latmos.ipsl.fr